View of our back yard with a bedraggled oak tree. Back fence is leaning slightly but that can be easily corrected.

Harvey made landfall in the middle of the night here with rain and shrieking winds as we listened through the night in darkness with storm shutters down. The power had gone off hours before.  The morning brought gentle rain and stillness.   Our neighborhood was fortunate with little damage other than downed trees, limbs and fences.  The eye of the hurricane went in a little to the north of us so we did not experience the strongest of the winds which damaged and destroyed many homes.  Flooding took its toll also.  Harvey worked its way up the coast to the Houston area and into Louisiana.  Relief and rescue efforts are ongoing.  I am sure many of you have seen the devastation in the news.  Our power came back on Monday evening.


Daughter across town had little damage to her home beyond downed fences and broken limbs.  The USS Lexington Museum where she works held fast anchored just off North Beach in Corpus Christi.

Son in Houston had no loss of power and no flooding.  He works for United Way of Greater Houston and was able to volunteer taking 211 calls.

My 81-year-old sister is staying with us as her home in Victoria still has no power but little damage.

Ironically, on Friday my brother-in-law called to check on us and invite us to ride out the storm with him and my sister on their ranch outside of Freer (80 miles to the west of us and 60 miles from the border of Mexico). I declined as we wanted to stay.  Two hours later I got a call that their house had been completely destroyed by a fire; they got out unharmed but could save nothing.  They will rebuild, but at 89 years and 86 years old it will not be an easy transition.  Thursday we drove out to see them.  They are strong people with a proud Texas attitude.  My brother-in-law could joke that he really hated to lose those new boots and hat he had just bought.


Life goes on.  I am grateful for all that I have.  My heart breaks for the loss of life, damage to property, and hardships (financial and emotional) that the hurricane has brought.  It has encouraged the best in people as neighbors and strangers help each other.  Governments, military, non-profits and volunteers have pulled together to help.  May it bring our country together.  Thanks to all who have shown concern for this Coastal Crone!  I am far behind in responding and reading blogs but life comes first.  Sending good wishes to all!  The sun is shining brightly today.  Cheers!

64 thoughts on “POST-HARVEY

  1. Oh no Nell, how I ache for the loss of life. Property can be replaced but people can’t. We don’t have hurricanes here; we have earthquakes and I have seen the damage that Mother Nature can bring. I am glad that you are all well, although I am glad you decided against going to your brother-in-law’s house. I hope they have family close by to support them at this time.
    Three years ago there was a fire at the storage centre where most of my goods were stored. I lost much of it but nobody was harmed thank goodness. Thoughts and hugs are with you from this side of the world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mother Nature plays with us in different ways but I would rather have a hurricane than earthquakes. Yes, they have a son-in-law and two granddaughters that are so good to help them. Fires seem especially brutal when all is destroyed but it is just stuff. Thanks for the thoughts and hugs! We are all on this Earth together and connected in one way or another.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Jo, thank you for your news. Glad to hear there was little damage where you are and that your immediate family is safe as well. I was sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. What a blow! Did he have insurance. I was surprised to hear that many do not have coverage. That’s going to hit so many in your area very hard.

    I have a cousin in Houston and they were away, visiting in Colorado. They have yet to return but their place was spared.

    As we watched the news of the devastation, I began to think about our place up here on Vancouver Island. We are in earthquake territory and somewhat prepared but one never is prepared for that kind of damage, injury and loss of life. We have no control over nature. I hope Congress will look at the Paris Accord again.

    We are so so sorry about the pain and suffering of so many; it was all so unexpected. We were heartened to see so much help being willingly offered and also glad to see our country step in to help as well.

    And yes, it’s good to see people come together regardless of differences. We are all the same under the skin. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, my sister and her husband had good insurance coverage so they are ok there. Glad your cousin did not have damage. At least we can leave or prepare with a hurricane but an earthquake is something else! Thanks to Canada for the help! Trying to catch up on comments. My 81 year-old sister is still here and she needs a little assistance. Thanks for the kind words and good wishes!

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  3. I’m glad you checked in to let us know that you are ok ( I had remembered you saying that you were going to ride out the storm). I’m so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law’s home. So much sadness and devastation. I hope that when those impacted areas rebuild, the work will be done with these super hurricanes in mind. I’m afraid they will become more and more common.


  4. Good to hear from you. I was wondering. So sorry for the property loss with your sister and brother in law but the fact you are all OK is the important thing, for sure.


  5. Thank God you and your family are safe and well. I’m sorry for the loss of your brother in laws home but at least they are well. This has been so difficult to watch on television. I can’t imagine what all of you have been going through. Stay well.


  6. So good to hear that you came through this horrendous storm okay. I am very sorry for your sister and brother-in-law. My girls in Houston came out okay, also. My heart breaks for so many people who lost everything. Thank you, Jo, for reminding everyone that we have so much to be thankful for. Blessings to you and your family.


  7. Glad you came through ok. I am so sorry for your brother-in-law’s home. I’ve been trying to get my brother to downsize (he is the same age as your BIL) and on one floor as my sister-in-law has mobility issues. The concept of moving is so overwhelming for them. Can’t imagine losing everything and needing to rebuild at that age. They sound like survivors!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, they would never have moved. In one way it will be better and they will build on a cement slab and bathrooms that better accommodate them at their age. The house had several steps to get into and it was getting harder and harder for them to get up and down them. He still drives his pickup around the ranch though. Heck, even for Husband and me it is hard to think about moving! Thanks for stopping by, Kate. I have not been able get around to reading blogs as I would like to. My 81 year-old sister is still here and needs some assistance as she is on a walker. We are survivors though! Cheers!

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Thanks for letting us know that you and your immediate family came through the storm with no major damage. I am so sorry to hear about your sister and brother-in-law, though! I can’t imagine how hard it would be to lose everything to a fire (or flood, or hurricane). Sending positive thoughts to you all….


    • Oh, thanks for the good thoughts! We truly were fortunate that no one was hurt in the fire and the storm could have been so much worse. I can’t imagine a home flooded and left with mud and mold. Stay safe! Mother Nature is everywhere.


  9. I am not ashamed to admit I cried watching the devastation of the hurricane. The tragedies I witnessed were heart-breaking. Jo Nell, I am thankful your family is safe – despite the terrible fire. We can replace everything, but not human life. XX Virginia


    • It has been heartbreaking to watch. So many did not have much to begin with and now they have nothing. Some don’t even have a way to make a living. The house that burned was on the spot where my grandparents had a house on the family ranch. My parents built the house that burned and I grew up in that house. My father ordered red brick for it from East Texas where my mother grew up. Years of memories and several generations. The tears come, Virginia, so I must stop. Perhaps I will write about it later when the loss is not so fresh. I brought a brick back scorched black. Hugs and love!

      Liked by 2 people

    • It has been a bit crazy but we made it though safely. So many had it so much worse. My sister and her husband have so much support nearby but I think the will make it. It was quite a shock for them at their age. thanks for the good thoughts! So far behind in reading posts!

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  10. I can only imagine all the pain and heartbreak this hurricane and the floods brought. You are right in the middle of it . I am so sorry your family home burned down, your poor sister and her husband. Best wishes to all of you.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. GREAT news from your side of Texas. What a storm, and then what your sister and brother-in-law went through…! Life constantly throws twists and turns our way. With the help of ‘good neighbors,’ loving family and friends, we keep on keeping on. Best to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Jo Nell, I am very relieved you and your family are safe, and what a miracle you didn’t go to stay with your sister and her husband. I’m appalled at the loss of your family home. It’s of course true that the loss of material things is nothing compared to the loss of life, but I don’t think we can negate it completely. We live with many precious reminders of our families and our pasts. It hurts to lose them forever. I was very touched by your scorched brick…

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Sending your family my love and thoughts to your sister and brother-in-law, as they suffer the loss of their home Jo.. I am happy to learn that you and the rest of your family only had slight damage and are all OK.. So many have lost everything in these storms.. And it is happening far and wide as the Monsoon season gets underway in Asia.. With over a thousand people losing their lives, and millions losing what little home they had..
    Sending you my heartfelt thoughts.. and its good to know your brother in law is strong.. And Hope they continue to be so as they begin from scratch… So heart wrenching..
    Love and warm hugs your way xxx


  14. Glad you kept a brick. Such whims life has – we are their playthings. That generation is much to be admired – and while different, the new house will be home – with comfort added.
    Glad you and yours came through so well. Most of the broken limbs and palm fonds have given up their grim grip on final heights and fallen.
    Somehow this land, rough as it is, seeps encouragement into inhabitants so rebuilding can begin.

    Liked by 1 person

    • And Mother Nature keeps playing with us with more earthquakes and hurricanes. You stated it well in that it “seeps encouragement into inhabitants” and we rebuild again. Change and survival! Thanks as always for your visit! And peace to you on International Peace Day.

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  15. Wow Jo! I’m so glad you made it through. I’m sorry to hear of the devastation to your brother-in-law’s home and that they did not have time to save anything. But it’s the non-material things that matter most, like family, and you sound like you are close to so many family members. I send much love to you as you have an impressive attitude toward being stronger and looking forward xx

    Liked by 1 person

  16. You did survive the hell. Poor tree, hope it will grow its branches back in a couple of years. Right now I am looking in the window and watching the storm raging. It is almost as bad as Ophelia we got last Monday. I think the flooding is even worse than Monday, and I have to travel between the counties tomorrow 😦

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  17. How strange that Hurricane Opheia went all the way to your area. We are all connected to the oceans. Stay safe. We were fortunate compared to so many and trees will grow back but some do look rather sad.Thanks for taking time to visit.



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