40-yrs077November 1976


We started as strangers with a dance one night,
although neither really liked to dance.
Yet we found magic as we twirled and swayed
to our own version of a country western two-step.
Now we have traveled around the sun forty times
as we flow from season to season together.
Love, laughter, dark moments, loss, joy,
surprises, fear, triumphs,
disappointments, sunshine, magic and music,
wine, travel, cats and kids.
I love you madly still!
May we embrace all the seasons of life
for every day we share.
Happy 40th anniversary!

2010-10-23-houston-1October 2016






  1. Congratulations, Jo, to you and your wonderful husband! Love the photo of you two. So sweet. And your poem is so full of love. Like you, I feel blessed to still have the love of my life at my side. Wishing you both many more years of marital bliss. xo

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Late to the party as we were on the road for Thanksgiving … so a belated congratulations to your milestone! I have a glass of basilcello beside me ready for a toast after I submit this. We’re not too far behind you as we’ll hit in April. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • And an early happy anniversary to you! Perhaps we will make 50 but I am taking it one year at a time. I hope you had safe travels and a good Thanksgiving. Basilcello??? I had to look it up as I had never heard of it. Did you make yours? I found a simple recipe and will have to try making the liquor perhaps in time for the New Year as I have an abundance of fall basil. Cheers! Thanks for taking time to comment!


  3. How absolutely marvelous!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I love the pictures so very, very much. You are pure delight. I am honored to be sharing this part of our lives together. You often are an inspiration to me………though perhaps you do not realize. We have just celebrated our 40th this past July. We travel this road together in many ways, dearest Crone…….may the Spirit Mother always smile down upon the two of you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • A belated happy 40th anniversary to you and Augustine! Your words and friendship mean so much to me as we found each other as kindred spirits in this cyber world connected by Texas. You too are an inspiration to me in so many ways. Spirit Mother has already blessed me with your friendship! Hugs and cheers to you as we go into the holiday season!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy 40th! I love your wedding photograph. Hansom husband! Gorgeous wife! And you both still look as wonderful and happy. Do you say to each other?? Forty years?? Where did they go? You two have shared many adventures. There have been good times and times so very difficult, but you two faced them together. Lar and I raise a glass of bubbly to you. Congratulations my dear dear Jo Nell. XXX Virginia

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you and Lar for the toast! Yes, we did say “where did 40 years go?” It has been an adventure. We did not date very long before we got married so we both took a chance and I brought two children and he had none. Love conquered all although there were a few doubts about that! lol Today we are grateful that we did come together as a family as are still in love as we grow old together. Hugs, Virginia! I hope all is well with you.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I am so so late reading this post my friend.. Congratulations upon your Wedding Anniversary.. What beautiful photos they both are.. And we are so blessed to both have our husbands at our side 40 yrs plus..
    Sending you and your family Love and Hugs for a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year..
    Love and many more Blessings yet to come
    Sue xxx

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