My last post, “Reprieve From Death on New Year’s Eve” on January 2 was about my son rescuing a dachshund from being euthanized.  The dog had extensive burns of unknown origin on his lower stomach, leg and tail.  As part of the services of Dachshund Rescue of Houston (DRofH) he was treated at a clinic and then placed in a foster home.

Kip has now healed and is ready for adoption!  I thought my readers, especially those dachshund lovers, might want to see a positive update.  May Kip find a forever home soon.  Dachshund Rescue of Houston and their generous volunteers do a great job of saving this breed.  Kudos to them and all the other organizations that care about animals.  Several of my readers commented that they have rescue dogs.  Images below are from the DRofH website.


19 thoughts on “UPDATE ON A RESCUE

  1. Yay, yay, yay!!!! Amen, amen, AMEN!!! This little love will be forever changed by the kindness and compassion your family poured out on him. He is going to make an incredible addition to anyone’s family. Keep us posted! You’re an angel, Jo!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Isn’t he a sweetie? Your little one is fortunate to be a part of your home. I know Kip will be grateful to have a safe and loving home. It would be great to announce his adoption! I hope all is well with you, Cara. Thanks for taking time to visit and comment. YOU are the angel!


  2. I am so pleased about this update, sorry I am ever so late in getting here.. But Kip is looking healed and I am sure he will soon if not already be settled in a lovely new home filled with love.. And again a big thank you for all your Son does..
    love and Hugs to you and yours
    Sue xxx

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