Photo by Husband

Photo by Husband


1)  The whooping cranes have left Canada and are heading for Texas.

Whooping Crane

Photo from Wikipedia

2)  Hummingbirds are swarming my feeders and it is time for the Rockport Hummingbird Celebration.  One year a woodpecker helped itself to the feeders.  I have not seen it this year.

2012 04 28 Texas Hummer 02

Photo by Husband

3)  I will be looking for white pelicans to arrive before long.  They arrive in the fall and leave when it gets warm in the spring.

w pelican

 4)  The stores start to fill with faux leaves, pumpkins, wreaths, cinnamon scented candles, bibelots and everything we need to decorate our homes and pretend that we have a real fall season where the leaves turn a golden hue, and drop poetically to the earth.

Franciscan Winery, Napa Valley

Franciscan Winery, Napa Valley Photo by Husband

5)  I pick a Syrah from Texas Hills Vineyards to celebrate the autumnal equinox.  Texas Hills Vineyard is a small but elegant winery just outside of Johnson City.  We picked up this bottle there last year.

Photo by Husband

Photo by Husband


Where is my iPad?


Do you remember Etch-a-Sketch?  My children had them,,  They came in mighty handy for road trips to help keep them entertained.  Mine were a girl and boy three years apart so keeping them from arguing in the back seat was important!

SHE:  Mother, he touched me!

HE:  Did not!  She made a face at me!

Today kids have all sorts of devices to keep them entertained on the road at any age.  The older ones can watch TV or movies, talk or text with their friends or surf the Internet.  The youngest ones are safely strapped in their car seats and can watch the latest movies on the built-in devices or hold one in their hands to watch, play or learn.

I found this image on a post titled “How Easy is Change?” by blogger Eric Tonningsen.  In his post he uses the Etch-a-Sketch as a metaphor for change.  Remember how it worked?  If you didn’t like the way your creation turned out or you just wanted to try something different, you gave it and shake and started all over with a clean slate.  Wouldn’t it be grand if change in our lives were so simple?

Eric writes in this post, “… it’s as easy as reviewing what you have created in your life. If you aren’t jazzed with what you’re facing, turn it upside down, shake things up a little, and move forward. Clean and fresh.”

He then goes on to give us three starters for consideration to effect changes.  His blog is called “Awakening Awareness.”  He doesn’t preach or pretend to have all the answers for everyone, but he does gently nudge us to think and find practical answers for ourselves from a mature viewpoint.  Check out his blog sometime if you want a little encouragement and inspiration.

Oh, I’m not really out of wine.  It is the height of hurricane season here.  We have no bottled water, but we do have plenty of wind and candles.  I feel smugly prepared.

Cheers to change!  And I do not own an iPad.