Bloggers with HEART

Recently I wrote a post, Bloggers, Books and Carl Sagan , and asked bloggers to describe their blog in 2-4 words.  Thanks to all who commented and/or liked!  Here are those who responded directly to describing their blogs.

She Kept a Parrot
folksy, sentimental, personal”
George is all of that and more.  You will find outstanding photos of her immediate environment, local sites and people who interest her.  Her photos are accompanied by short explanations and wonderful stories.  Indeed, she does keep a parrot (Rita), a chinchilla (Che) and more than one dog.  Stop by her home – you’ll be entertained.  She also has a blog called “The Fuzzy Photo.

“esoteric intolerance”
FASAB (Fight Against Stupidity & Bureaucracy ) posts daily and is sure to make you smile or groan with jokes, puns, tests and information you did not know you needed.  Give it a try and have some fun!

Ruined for Life:  Phoenix Edition
I must ruminate over which words capture this blog.”
Kelly lives part of the time in China where she teaches English.  From she writes of life around her accompanied by excellent photos of the places she visits.  It truly is a unique look inside that country from an American’s viewpoint.   She reviews books, movies, TV shows, plays, music and more.  You will learn from the phoenix!

This Little Light
“impassioned girl meets quirky writer”
Cara is impassioned about writing!  She writes from her heart with compassion about her own journeys and inspires in many ways.  Her other blog,  “Awaking Foster Kelly”, showcases her book.  Her light is a beacon – go to the light!

Tilted Tiara
…all over the place & whatever I am feeling at the time.”
Valentine shares her political views and her past in a passionate way.  I admire her ability to be so candid about tragically failed relationships.  Yet her sense of humor and courage comes through – she is not a victim.  Take a look at her tiara!

Feel free to pass it on - no rules or obligations!

Feel free to pass this award on – no rules or obligations!

“Share the Love”  courtesy of Lori of Bless Your Hippie Heart.   May you always blog with heart!

Bloggers, Books and Carl Sagan

C Sagan

“A book is made from a tree.  It is an assemblage of flat flexible parts (still called “leaves”) imprinted with dark pigmented squiggles.  One glance at it and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for thousands of years.  Across the millennia, the author is speaking, clearly and silently, inside your head, directly to you.  Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of distant epochs who never knew one another.  Books break the shackles of time – proof that humans can work magic.”
Carl Sagan
(Nov. 9, 1934 – Dec. 20, 1996)

As a confessed bibliophile I really like this quote from Carl Saga who wrote many books of his own.  While as bloggers we may not have the possibility of having our written words read a thousand years from now across the millenia, there is a faint parallel of similarity.

In my year and a half of blogging and reading other blogs, I have heard the illustrated voices of those far away in cyberspace via their posts.  The individual personalities have  been reflected in his or her writing:

 funny, bold, shy,
passionate, creative, troubled, conservative, carefree
retired, well-traveled, thoughtful, liberal
wise, caring, epicurean, helpful, eccentric
serious, delightful, insightful, smart
disgruntled, determined,
chic, outdoorsy, inventive

and sexy

I have found interests that matched mine and discovered new ones that I would never have considered exploring.  I have been challenged by technology, different opinions and lifestyles.  With gratitude I have made friends, young and seasoned, who encouraged me, commented on and “liked” my humble posts.  Thank you all!  And thank you WordPress!

Outer space was the world that Carl Sagan loved and explained so well to all of us.  I think he would approve of cyberspace and the communication it brings to so easily share knowledge and ideas around the world.

How would you describe your blog in two or three words?

I would describe my blog as “an eclectic bibelot.”  May you blog with great success in 2013!