53 thoughts on “MONDAY MADNESS: How is your book coming along?

  1. At first I took this question personally. MY BOOK IS NOT COMING ALONG FAST ENOUGH! But then I read the quote and laughed. Are we talking about chapters in the books we’re writing, or chapters in our life? Well, the quote works both ways! 🙂

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    • Well, my book is not coming along fast enough either but I hope to finish it one of these days as soon as I can decide which suspect is the murderer! But this quote was meant to address both the book and the life. I had hoped more authors would comment on how their own book was coming along. Thanks for taking time to comment and all the best on your book!

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      • I know your book will be GOOD – to me, the best mysteries are those written by authors who don’t know the true murderer until the characters reveal it naturally. This is what I love about writing – creating characters who come alive and lead us on a grand adventure.

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  2. Wise words indeed re bad chapters. And of course we need to write the bad chapters so we can write them better. (Sometimes easier said than done though, but all part of the big writing adventure.)


  3. I am not a writer but I had several bad chapters in my life and I am glad that they behind me. As a cook not all my meals are a success. I just made the most horrible orange dressing with my new blender. Yuck!


  4. Bad chapters lead to better things. In our books we’re lucky to be able to go back and revise that bad phrase or unbelievable character. In life, we just have to hope we learned something.


  5. I had quite a few bad chapters but now I’m glad I hung around long another to have some better ones. Every day is an adventure and I’m grateful for every page as it comes…


  6. Exactly! A few bad chapters, a few bad poems or sketches mean really nothing. Work in progress can be improved any time. Finished work is what it is. I don’t think somebody who creates something is not supposed to please everybody.


    • Yes, it does not have to be perfect the first time or even the second time. Getting on with the writing or the life is what is important. Thanks for sharing your view as it can apply to art also. A pleasure to have you take time to comment!


Comments are always welcome!