40 thoughts on “HAPPY NEW YEAR

    • You were one of my first friends too and still a favorite. I can’t remember how I found you but I am glad that I did. Thank you for the good wishes. Who needs The Wizard when where is a Tin Man with a heart? Peace, love and joy to you and yours!


    • We made it another year, didn’t we? It is a good feeling to have a blogger friend so close. You are always a positive! Husband and Cat both ok. Husband is doing some contract ITwork to keep him out of trouble. I look forward to your posts in 2014! And I am ready for warm weather as I have had enough winter.


      • Ha! We’re looking for warm weather before winter gets here! 🙂 Spring can’t get her fast enough for me! I look forward to your posts too, Jo Nell. I think we’re the only two bloggers in the area? At least, we’re the only ones I know about. Have you tried searching for others? I just thought of that. There should be a search feature on WP? Eat your hog jowl and your black-eyed peas and your greens today! 2014 is going to be a good year for us!


    • No, I did not make any resolutions this year. The cold dark days of January have slowed me down. It has not been that bad really in South Texas compared to other places but I hate the cold. Thanks for the nudge!!


      • I remember when those northers used to come through Kingsville when I was growing up. My wise old grandmother and I used to cover all her frost-sensitive plants with towels and blankets. And then one year, when I was in sixth grade, which would have been Winter of 1966, it snowed! Ack!


  1. Hello, there! Hope things are going well. I wanted to wish you a great (and belated) New Year in 2014. I hope this year brings you that which you wish for. Take care, D


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