“I ain’t here for a long time – I’m here for a good time.”

George Strait 2011

George Strait

     Finding a topic for my post this week has not been easy.  I had what I thought was a catchy title – “Ties that Blind” – and completed a reasonable word count.  It was about my husband’s collection of unusual ties which includes art by Van Gough, Salvador Dali and Edvard Munch (The Scream).  The intention was to tie (pun intended) it in somehow to the bland solid color (red or blue usually) ties that politicians wear and especially the ones they wear in debates.  I contemplated suggesting ties that various Republicans seeking the presidential nomination might wear to make a sartorial and political statement.  Governor Rick Perry’s choice would be easy.  His tie should be the Texas flag or perhaps the Alamo.  But it was not working and I hated to drag my husband’s wardrobe into my post. I hit delete!

     All week I tossed around other possible topics:  tattoos, Camille Paglia, travel on the Orient Express, my next to last cat, # of days left until Christmas, Kronos Quartet, hummingbirds in the back yard.  Nothing worked.  Perhaps I had writers block.  I was committed to one post a week.  Perhaps I would have to post one of my poems, “Havana Browns,” as a last resort.

     Saturday morning I got up and decided to run before I would post my poem in creative defeat.  During the week I listen to classical music on NPR, but if I run on Saturday I listen to a country and western radio station.  When I turned on the radio and put my Sony headphones on I heard the end of a  song, “I ain’t here for a long time – I’m here for a good time,” from  George Strait’s  new album, “Good Times.”  I smiled and got happy dancing feet as I headed down the sidewalk!  George plays boot scootin’ music!

     As I ran I thought about how short life really is and how we should make it a good time for ourselves and others while we are here. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I am reminded of family and friends who have battled cancer successfully and unsuccessfully.  It was a beautiful day to be alive and well in the sunshine.

     Before I got home the radio DJ played the song again so I heard it from the beginning.  As I ran toward home… tears flowed down my face.  Sometimes I need a good cry when I’m happy.  Click here to hear the song.  http://www.georgestrait.com/index.asp

5 thoughts on ““I ain’t here for a long time – I’m here for a good time.”

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